Eye tests are about your health, not just vision.

Nearly 90% of people fear losing their sight more than any other sense. Yet despite the importance of having good vision, a third of us have not been for an eye test within the last two years.

Interestingly, research found that 79% of people knew they should have a sight test once every two years. Yet many were not doing so, with 60% giving the reason of “I didn’t think I needed one”. Most people think an eye test is carried out just to check if they need new glasses or contact lenses. While this is indeed an important part of the test, there is much more to an eye examination. It is also an important health check, one which could even save your vision.

That’s because certain eye conditions such as glaucoma, which affects half a million people in the UK and can lead to blindness unless treated – often show little or no symptoms until they are at an advanced stage. Unlike your teeth, your eyes do not usually hurt when something is wrong. As a result many people may not be aware that their sight could be at risk.

eye health

It’s very important to have regular eye tests

So it’s very important to have regular eye tests, usually once every two years unless specified otherwise by your optometrist or doctor. An eye examination at Halls consists of a comprehensive range of tests to assess the health of your eyes, including possible diseases such as glaucoma and macula degeneration.

Everyone should have regular eye tests

Our advise is to everyone should have regular eye tests, regardless of whether or not they wear glasses. Research shows that most people didn’t think they needed a test or didn’t find the time, but this is a vital health check which could even help save sight. Early detection is vital to prevent hidden problems such as hypertension (high blood pressure), glaucoma and other conditions causing irreversible sight deterioration. To help with this we offer an optional retinal scanning which will highlight early stages of sight problems. To find out more click here.